This worship service is based on a resource for Mental Health Awareness week (May 2-9, 2021) which was produced by the Mental Health working groups of the United Church of Christ (USA) and The United Church of Canada. I (Rev. Elisabeth) adapted the prayers for our situation and express Thanks to the co-authors of " Radical Belonging". Please click on the audio symbols below to listen to the recording of the service
Opening Prayer (Elisabeth) Scripture Readings: 1Samuel from chapters 16 &18 ( read by Brian Power- Grimm) John 13: 34-36 ( read by Janice Potter) Sing along with hymn: When I needed a neighbour Reflection by Rev. Elisabeth - King Saul and Mental Health Awareness You may want to watch the following video as you reflect on the message...that is IF you can stand watching winter scenery in MAY! Think of it as "winter of the soul..." Now follows a time of prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession- prayers read by Brian and Jan Power- Grimm Our worship time closes with Commissioning, Blessing and an Organ Postlude played by Deirdre Morell- Ormerod on the Casavant organ.
Thank you for being with us! Have a good week!