Piano Prelude: "He's always been faithful"
by V. Labenske, played by Deirdre Morrell-Ormerod |
Welcome, Lighting of a Candle and Opening Prayer
Opening Hymn: "O for a thousand tongues to sing", by John Wesley, words from Voices United # 326
(Rev. Elisabeth)
First Reading: Genesis 45:3-11.15 Today's reading shows an example of someone forgiving family members for a significant act of hatred. Josephs brothers were jealous of their younger sibling because he had to work less than they, received special attention from their father and was a "dreamer" as opposed to a "worker". They sold him into slavery to Egypt and pretended to their parents that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. Joseph made a quick rise from slavery to the Pharao's invaluable right hand man. During a famine the brothers come to Egypt to buy grain from Pharao and meet their brother Joseph whom they do not recognize in the role of Egyptian official. Joseph puts his brothers through a number of tests because he wants to search their hearts before revealing himself to them. When he has satisfied himself that the brothers will not sacrifice their now youngest brother, Benjamin, for their own gain he reveals himself to them. |
The gospel: Luke 6 :27-38 ( Rev. Paul)
The questions of "who is God?" and "how should we treat others?" are at the core of Jesus' teaching in this reading. |
Hymn: "Heaven is singing for joy" written by Pablo Sosa (b. 1933 - d. 2020), Argentinia, published in Voices United # 230
Message: " How shall we treat others?"
Rev. Elisabeth |
Offering our gift of Talent, Treasure and Time;
(please take a moment to become aware of your gifts for the common good this week, then press the PLAY arrow for the prayers) Offering our prayers- followed by the Prayer of Jesus |
Closing Hymn: "Awake, awake, to love and work" by Geoffrey A. Studdert-Kennedy,1921
Melody: Kentucky Harmony, 1816 |
Commissioning and Blessing (starts after 10 sec.)
Piano Postlude: "Lead me, Lord" arr. by J. Sanborn played by Deirdre Morrell-Ormerod