Prelude: “How great Thou art” arr. V. Labenske, played by Deirdre Morrell-Ormerod
Lighting of a candle (Do you have one? light it at this time) Opening Prayer: You may want to pray along with this prayer by Jani Francis, St. Andrew's U.C. Indian Head Sask., as found in "Gathering" Magazine Winter 2019-20 Loving Creator, help us enfold one another in blankets of loving encouragement when we falter in the snows of life. Help us assure and affirm each other when we find ourselves lost in the deep of winter. Help us follow your billowy footprints into sanctuaries of sheltering. Wrap us in your cozy warmth and your soft light of acceptance. Amen. |
A reading from Pauls First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 12, verses 1-11 "Diverse gifts from the One Spirit of God"
Reader: Sophia Oldford |
Psalm 36: Clinging to God's steadfast love in the face of a world gone astray. This is a version you can sing along with. Based on KJV.
Rev. Elisabeth Note: Sorry for the 18 sec pause at the beginning |
Rev. Elisabeth's Message, continued:
Offering our gift of Talent, Treasure and Time
"Your wedding gift" Prayers:
-Thanksgiving for Life Celebrations you enjoyed - Sharing the difficulties of life under restrictions -Asking for help that you might soon be able to celebrate with others again |
Blessing: May an abundance of Good Will enfold you May you step into a River of Delight And as you walk in the wintry landscape, May the wine of unexpected happiness warm your heart. Amen. |
Postlude: “How can I keep from singing” arr. V. Labenske, played by Deirdre Morrell-Ormerod