Welcome to this hour of reflection and celebration. Pentecost is the day when Christians celebrate the liveliness, aliveness and life giving presence of the Divine. Fear vanishes into courage, communities blossom as they live into patience, compassion, joy, kindness...the forces of death are overgrown by the forces of life. Many stories and passages in the Bible tell of God Holy Spirit. Today one is at the center: Ezekiel 37 . "Can these bones live?" Above, you hear the prelude: A Meditation (Le Prie-Dieu} - G. Oldroy (Solo- David Holborn, Deirdre Morell-Ormerod at the organ) The call to worship and opening prayers are (with minor adaptations) from Thom Shuman-Lectionary Liturgies-, written May 2021. Listen, pray along, and then join this beautiful virtual choir for a classic Pentecost Hymn! click below for a prayer for forgiveness, a pause for silent prayer and words of Assurance. - read by Kerry Fitzgerald Below, a musical offering: "I have called you by your name" click below for a prayer of gratitude and pray along with words from Psalm 104- - read by Anona Siwik Below, an introduction to the reading of Ezekiel, followed by a very fun piece: A reading of Ezekiel 31:1-14 read by Graham Wright Click below for Rev. Elisabeth's message :"Can these bones live?" (16 min) Click below for this week's prayers for the world, our neighbours near and far followed by the Lord's prayer Sharing our gifts: We are each gifted...some share their talent, some their time, some their tithes or "treasure", some most generously all of these. We gratefully accept donations via e-transfer [email protected] or via https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/annapolis-granville-pastoral-charge-united-church-of-canada/ Thank you so much for your support. Click below for a Sending and Blessing The postlude, played by Deirdre Morell-Ormerod on the Letourneau organ in Annapolis Royal is: "Come Thou Almighty King" - Felice De Giardini
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